~Xcessive Gamer- Letters page~

Dear Xcessive Gamer:
We own 1 million Atari 2600/7800 cartridges, we have over 40 titles/ all new/ cost is $.80 each plus shipping; when people find out we have these cartridges they will usually buy 1 of each; we are an extremely small company, there are just 2 in the company , I work the office and and I have one person in our warehouse; Would you consider doing a story on our little treasure that no one knows about? If you would like to see samples of our cartridges please let me know and I will send you one of each; our warehouse is in a unique limestone cave where the temperature is a constant 68 degrees, our warehouse is 150 feet below earth's surface, 1/2 mile in from the entrance; above our location 150 feet up is one of the oldest Drive In Theatre's in Missouri; these cartridges will be antique status in a few years:
please visit our site:


thanks Bill Houlehan  800 - 669-0903 (02/24/99)

Wow!! .80 cents each!! That's a great deal!! Usually I don't post ad's like this, but I'll make an exception in this case. I think I will probably order some of these myself. Thanks for the info Bill!!
Xcessive Gamer

Dear Xcessive Gamer:
Do you know if there is a video player/viewer that would allow a pc to view the graphic files on a Sega CD?

Phillip (02/24/99)

I don't know of a video player/viewer that would allow this, but I do know there are Sega CD emulators available that would do just that. Matter of fact, there are emulators available for just about any console system ever made. These emulators are available for download from various sites on the internet. They are usually free, but some do charge a registration fee. As far as the games go, emulators come in two flavors. 1) Emulators that play the actual CD's on a PC. 2) Emulators that play ROM (game) images from a file on a PC. The one you are talking about could be easilly found by doing a search on "Infoseek" or other comparable search engine. Only one problem though Phillip. These emulators are sometimes illegal, despite what the sites that carry them claim. I'm not a lawyer, but I suggest you do your own checking to keep yourself out of "hot water"!
Xcessive Gamer

Dear Xcessive Gamer:
 We need your support to get Snatcher and Policenauts on PSX over to U.S. shores. Konami U.S. no longer cares, so we have to take action. Look at all the good games that we missed because of their bullheadedness. The petition is on http://homepage.interaccess.com/~dlaatz/ maybe
Konami U.S. will actually decide to release them after they see all the people that signed. I hope you feel the same and show your support.
Mark Aschebrook (02/08/99)

Sounds like a worthy cause to support! Hope this posting helps!!
Xcessive Gamer
Dear Xcessive Gamer:
I recently stumbled upon your web site and stayed long enough to read some letters I think they were. kind of like oppinions/thoughts of the editor. one of them was on "which system should I buy."  I know it is a pretty old letter, but in it you stated that "They are the number 1 selling console system today." but actually that is not true. I know that you have worded it "Console System," but still you must include Nintendo's GameBoy. and if you look up the figures, the GameBoy is The #1 selling Gaming System in the World. just think about it, the GameBoy has been selling strongly since it came out more than 9 years ago. sales are still high in Japan, haha! higher than the N64s and Saturn's. and it's not confined to just Japan. the GameBoys sell very well here in the United States too. I still see new GameBoy games coming out all the time. the Playstation might have a large user base, but the GameBoy is the True #1 selling Game System in the World!

Peter (10/22/98)
"can't stop the Shining"
TTU 4 Life!

Your points are correct, yet I still can't understand why. The GameBoy has been selling like "hot cakes" ever since it was released. Many superior (at least technically) handheld systems have come and gone since the GameBoy first hit the market. Does anybody remember any of these great systems: Turbo Express, Atari Lynx, Sega Game Gear or my personal favorite the Sega Nomad. All these COLOR systems blow the GameBoy away in terms of graphics and raw system power. Yet, the GameBoy (Soon to be color GameBoy) lives on. That Nintendo is one marketing Genuis!!

It's still not a console system!
Xcessive Gamer

Dear Xcessive Gamer:
 I am a freshman at DigiPen Institute of Technology
(http://www.digipen.edu), a video game programming school based in Redmond,
Washington. For our first
semester's project we have to make a text based puzzle game and our group is
creating a maze/trivia based game about video games, much like Capcom's
Puzzle Dragon.  Our goal is to have 1000 questions, but so far we've only
come up with about 300 and I was wondering if you could help me out if you
have any fairly large lists of video game trivia questions and answers
around or any good resources you know of that I could use to come up with
more questions.  Maybe you could even post this letter on your internet site
with the following email address appended to the bottom: trivia@oi.nu

Thank you very much.
Reuben Fries (9/21/98)

This game will not be released at all.  It is solely for educational uses,
in fact that is one of the constraints set upon DigiPen students. In order
to attend we all had to sign papers saying that the school machines would
not be used for anything that would be sold commercially.

Can anybody help these guys out?!
Xcessive Gamer

Dear Xcessive Gamer:
I have many n64 cheats that you do not have on your page. I would love to give them to you, but I have a problem. I want the full version of duke 3d, but cant afford it. If you would be so kind as to send me the full version then I would you reward you with all the n64 cheats I have and get. Deal? Your fellow gamma Mike.
relyuc@worldnet.att.net (5/21/98)

Good try, but sorry...Xcessive Gamer does not pay for it's content. For the time being, we are a free site, that offers free content to our readers. We do not get paid anything for our ad's, demo downloads, classifieds, ect... The only money we have ever recieved was for helping out on their sites, and even this was very minimal. Therefore, we are not currently in a position to pay for content.

Although we have a large selection of game codes, we agree that we do not have all codes for every system. We try to be as comprehensive as we can, but time does not allow us to find all codes for all systems. We know of many resources for codes, but we primarilly rely on readers to send the codes they'd like to see posted.

If you have any codes you'd like to part with "freely", or if anyone else has any, we'd love to include it in this site. Just e-mail us!
Xcessive Gamer
Dear Xcessive Gamer:
I too am a videogamer in his thirties, married and with children. It's good to find others out there who continue to be passionate about gaming. I am responding to your editorial on game platform comparisons (dated 1/98). Whenever I read such comparisons the CD versus cartridge issue is always raised and eveyone is quick to choose the CD format. I agree that the CD is the better format, but having kids who also play games has taught me to be practical. The bottom line is that carts are much more durable and require less care. You never have to worry about someone in the family scratching your expensive game, resulting in skipping or sticking. I have returned quite a few CD based games back to the stores because of defects being noticed the first time the game is loaded. I have as yet to return a cart. based game . Kudos to Nintendo for continuing to design platforms with young children in mind. I'll continue to keep my Playstation where I can enjoy it, but where little hands cannot reach.
Terry Lewis
TerryLLewis@webtv.net (5/6/98)

Your points are accurate, and very well taken. We will cruely and officially beat our editor Jason Estey for this enormous oversite. We'll see to it that something as horrid as this never happens again!!! Thanks for the info:
Xcessive Gamer

Dear Xcessive Gamer:
I just want to know if there is a Playstation 64 coming out in the next couple of years.
Marco Barretto
marco.philonline.com (2/11/98)

Officially (as far as we know), Sony hasn't confirned the existence of such a machine. Logically, there has to be one in the works. If Sony were to start hyping up a new system now, it could hurt the current Playstation sales. People would hold their cash, to save for the new system which won't be released for awhile. If Sony keeps quiet until the release is closer, chances are you (gamers) will buy both systems.

My prediction is a US release of September 1999 (Sept. 2000 at the latest). Currently the Playstation is going strong, and they won't release a new system until sales die down. Sales will go strong until the Playstation games start to look a little dated. This won't happen until the competition releases their new systems (Nintendo 64 DD, Sega's 64 bitter, Project X), and have a decent amount of quality titles. In other words, Sony will hold off as long as they can before releasing a new system, but not so long that the competition gets such a foothold that can't be overcame.
Xcessive Gamer

Sandi Pohlmann wrote:
My friend was curious about which system to get his 2 boys for Christmas, so I told him I would check the Web. I read some of your reviews on the games and am curious what you think the best system to buy would be for kids around the age of 8. If you could e-mail me at my address that follows I would appreciate it. Jhunter@usaa.com. Thanks,
James (11/27/97)

Technically, the Nintendo 64 is the better system. I am a programmer also, and I can assure you that the Nintendo offers way more features to programmers then the Playstation does. It has better textures, anti-aliasing, and other features to assure it will be a popular system for some time to come. It's biggest drawback is the cartridge format which is expensive to produce, and limiting as far as game size goes.

The Playstation is the better system if you are concerned about software costs, or the amount of games currently available. It is also a better system when speaking of storage capacity. For instance a CD game(Playstation) can hold about 500-700 Million bytes of data, where a cartridge is very limited. A large Nintendo 64 cartridge would only hold about 24 Million Bytes or so. This means the Playstation can have much larger games. Nintendo will soon release the 64 DD system which attaches to the Nintendo 64 to offer more capacity, but you will have to upgrade, and it still cannot match the Playstation for game length.

This is really an issue best left to personal opinion. I have both. I like the Playstation because I can buy games for $15-$49, and there are lots to choose from. I like the Nintendo 64 because the quality of the games available seems to be a little higher. Nintendo has less capacity to deal with, but they are very good at hiding this. Most users will not even notice the loss, but they will notice better graphics, ect.. This higher quality will have a heafty price tag though. Not in system, but in software. Right now, a typical Nintendo 64 game costs $59.99-$79.99. This will drop in the coming months, but not by much. Playstation games will be very low cost in the near future. CD's are cheap for a company to produce, and there is already a flood of Playstation games. If you look in bargin bins, I'd bet you'll soon be able to find older Playstation games for $5-$10. This has already happened with the Sega Saturn, but won't happen with the Nintendo system (at least not for awhile).

I hope this helps, if you have additional questions please feel free to write.
Xcessive Gamer

Dear Xcessive Gamer:
A friend and I were looking at your site tonight and we thought it looked pretty cool. Also: Did you ever play the F-22 flight simulation game from Interactive Magic? I just got it and think it sucks!
GTX@shianet.org (10/27/97)

We haven't tried that game yet. We'd like to review all games, but quite frankly, we do not have all the resorces to do so. If you don't like it, we encourage you to send in a full review. Who knows, you just may save someone from being ripped off!
Xcessive Gamer

Dear Xcessive Gamer:
I would like to see you do game tips, cheats, game shark, and game genie codes.
WILLBEE@webtv.net (10/01/97)

Xcessive Gamer fully intends to include these things in the future. As it is now, we are a new magazine, and it takes some time to incorporate all of our (and readers) ideas. If readers like you send us material, it would greatly speed up this process.
Xcessive Gamer


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This Web Page was created by Gary V. Ambrose II
Copyright (c) 1998 By: Gary V. Ambrose II